- Joint Session in Bio/Nano/Interfacial Phenomena, AIChE and Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ), Nov. 17
- Applied Physics and Materials Science Colloquium, Northern Arizona University, Sept. 24
2019 >>
- Biomembrane Days Berlin, Germany, Dec 11-13, 2019
1st UCD-COE/OU-ES Joint Symposium on “Chemical Engineering Science (c-ES),” Osaka University, Nov. 15, 2019
- Protein-Lipid Nanostructures: from domains to devices, EBSA 2019 Satellite Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 25-27, 2019
- Bio-derived Materials, 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT, Singapore, June 24, 2019
- Department Seminar, Keck Science, Claremont-McKenna, April 23, 2019
- ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2019
- Quantitative Dynamics of Life, Kyoto Winter School Kyoto, Japan, March. 12, 2019
- 3rd UBIAS Intercontinental Academia (ICA), Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics, Birmingham, UK, March 19-27, 2019
- Department Seminar, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, January 17, 2019
2018 >>
- Bottom-Up Cell Biology, ASCB/EMBO 2018 Meeting" San Diego, CA Dec. 08
- Campus Pierre et Marie Curie,Sorbonne Université, Paris, France Nov. 05
- Engineering the Evolution, Global Innovation Summit, FASTYerevan, Armenia, Oct. 29-31
- Telluride Workshop on "The Complexity in the Chemistry and Physics of Lipid Membranes," Telluride, Colorado, July 10-14
- Gordon Research Conference on "Biointerface Science," Lucca (Barga), Italy, June 17-22
- 3rd UBIAS Intercontinental Academia (ICA), Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics, NTU, Singapore March 19-27
- Biomechanics Seminar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego, CA March 08.
- CNLS Workshop on Hybrid Photonic-Plasmonic Materials: Toward Ultimate Control Over the Generation and Fate of Photons, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM March 01.
- 62nd Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society, Symposium on "Interrogating Membrane Organization and Dynamics," San Francisco, CA Feb. 20.
- 2018 International Symposium on Chemical Biology, Geneva, Switzerland, Jan. 10-Jan.12
2017 >>
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Dec 01, 2017
- Work From Noise: Harnessing Fluctuations to Manipulate Matter, MassCAM Workshop, Amherst, MA Oct, 2017
- Bioengineering Dept. Seminar, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Aug. 30, 2017
- TETHMEM 2017 Workshop, Schloss Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 7- Aug.9, 2017
- Co-organizer, 253rd ACS National Meeting, Biomembrane Session, Colloids Division, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2-Apr. 6, 2017
- Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Complex Active and Adaptive Material Systems, Ventura, CA, Jan. 29, 2017
2016 >>
- IITB-NTU Joint Symposium on Healthcare Technologies, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India, Sept. 27, 2016
- MSE-Colloquium@NTU, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Sept. 14, 2016
- Biomedical Institute for Global Health Research and Technology (BIGHEART), National University of Singapore, Singapore, Sept. 13, 2016
- 252nd Fall ACS National Meeting, "Nanoparticles for Measuring/Controlling Cell Signaling," Philadelphia, PA Aug 21-Aug 25, 2016
- The Telluride Workshop on "Complexity in the Chemistry and Physics of Lipid Membranes," Telluride, CO, July 4-July 8, 2016
- The International Symposium on "Micro- and Nanomachines: Chemical and Biological Nanomotors," Hannover, Germany, June 30, 2016
- EMPA: Swiss Fed. Labs for Mater. Sci. Tech., St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 20, 2016
- Gordon Research Conference on "Biointerface Science," Les Diablerets, Switzerland, June 12-June 17, 2016
- MRS Spring Meeting, "Bioinspired Dynamic Materials - Synthesis, Engineering and Applications," Phoenix, AZ, Mar. 31, 2016
- 251st Spring ACS National Meeting, "Membrane Structure, Assembly, and Dynamics Symposium," Colloids Div, San Diego, CA, Mar. 14, 2016
- Kyoto University Winter School 2016,"From Materials to Life: Multidisciplinary Challenges," Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 25, 2016
- Department of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Jan. 25, 2016
2015 >>
- Chemical Engineering Department, The Pennsylvania State University, Dec. 03, 2015
- Teth-Mem 2015 Workshop on "Tethered Membranes," Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Nov. 10, 2015
- UPMC-SU-NTU Workshop on "Chemistry of Materials and Interfaces," Paris, France, Sept. 28-Oct.1, 2015
- Symposium on "Hierarchical Dynamics in Soft Materials and Biological Matter," Kyoto, Japan, Sept 23-26, 2015
- 2015 Molecular Foundry Users' Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA, Aug. 21
- Research Triangle MRSEC, Duke, North Carolina, Feb. 19
2014 >>
- Interdisciplinary Graduate School Distingushed Lecture Series, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sept 29
- International Biophysics Congress, IUPAB, Brisbane, Australia, August
- The Swanson Science Conference Honoring Basil Swanson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, July
- Gordon Research Conference on Biointerfaces, Lucca (Barga), Italy, June
- Student Workshop, Chalmers Soft Matter Graduate School, Chalmers University, Sweden, June
- 247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, March
2013 >>
- Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics , Keynote, Melbourne, Australia, Nov.
- Biomaterials Session, The AVS Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA Oct.
- Dept Seminar, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NYU-Poly, NY Oct.
- Nanyang Technological University, COE Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture Seminar, Singapore Sept, 2013
- Seoul National University, WCU Seminar, Seoul, Korea May 23, 2013
2012 >>
- Indo-US Conference on Biomembranes, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. India Dec 30
- HAMLET Workshop, Lund University, Sweden, Dec 8
- Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Nov.
- Chang Gung University, Linkou, Taiwan, Nov.
- Faraday Discussions, Lipids and Membrane Biophysics, Burlington House, London, UK, September
- Workshop on Engineered Membranes, Univ. of Leeds, UK September
- Gordon Research Conference on Biointerfaces, Les Diabrelets, Switzerland, May
- 10+10 UC Davis-Peking University forum on Chemical Biology, Chengdu, China, April
- Membrane Mechanics, ACS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March
2011 >>
- Chemistry Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, December
- International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology, New Delhi, December
- Nanobiotechnology, Austrian Institute of Technology & Boku, Vienna, Austria, October
- Cellular Biomechanics, Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October
- School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, August
- ICMAT-2011, Materials Research Society, Singapore, June
- Thursday Seminar, IFM, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, May
- Nano-Science Center, University of Copehhagen, Denmark, May
- Applied Physics, Chalmers University, Goteburg, Sweden April
- Chemistry, City College of New York, NY March
- Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA February
- Nanoscience Institute, Florida State University, Tallahasse, FL February
2010 >>
- Sossman Symposium Honoring Jeff Brinker, Amer. Cer. Soc. Annu. Meeting, Houston, TX
- ICMR Summer School, Biological Interfaces, Santa Barbara, June
- Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, May
- NIH Annual Nanomedicine Meeting, Asilomar, CA, April
- Chemistry Dept. Seminar, Univ. of California, Riverside, Feb. 24
- Biosensors Workshop, Nanyung Technological University, Singapore, Feb. 4
2009 >>
- Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA Nov.
- Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China, Oct.
- Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct.
- Chang-Gung University, Linkou, Taiwan, Oct.
- DOE Contractor's Meeting: Biomolecular Materials, Sept
- Soft Materials Symposium, Shanghai, China May
- Nanomedicine Development Center Annual Meeting., Bethesda, MD April
- Molecular Foundry, LBNL, Berkeley, CA May
- ACS Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, March
2008 >>
- Chemistry & Biology, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, Oct. 2008
- Chemistry Seminar, Pomona College, Sept. 2008
- ACS Fall Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Aug 2008
- NSF-RISE, Research Infrastructure in Science & Education Sensors Workshop, Alabama, AL July 2008
- Chemistry Dept. Seminar, Iowa State University, Feb. 2008
2007 >>
- Dept. Seminar, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, IMRE, Singapore, Nov. 2007
- MPI-P Workshop on Membranes, Schloß Ringberg, Bavaria, Sept. 2007
- ACS Annual Meeting, Boston, Aug 2007
- Membrane and membrane proteins Meeting, Park City, UT June 2007
- 2nd Annual CNLS Conference, Complexity of Biological and Soft Materials, Santa Fe, NM May 2007
- Nanomedicine Center Seminar, Purdue University, Purdue, IN, April 2007
- Department Seminar, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, April 2007
- Graduate Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 207
- ACS National Meeting, Chicago, March 2007
- PittCon Meeting, Chicago, Feb 2007
2006 >>
- 2006 2nd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Nanomedicine, Washington, D.C., Sept 2006
- 2006 ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, Sept. 2006
- 2006 SAME-TEC, Semi-conductors, Automated Manufacturing, Electronics Training and Education conference, Albuquerque, NM, July 2006
- 2006 NSF-RISE, Research Infrastructure in Science & Education Sensors Workshop, Alabama, AL June 2006
- 2006 Physics Department Seminar, University of Nevada, Reno, April 14, 2006
- 2006 Chemical Engineering Dept Seminar, Renssaeler Polytechnic, Troy, NY, March 1, 2006
- 2006 AAAS Annual Meeting, Nanotechnology, St. Louis, MO February 15, 2006
2005 >>
- 2005 Pacifichem, Hawaii, Dec 15-19, 2005
- 2005 Second Annual Biophotonics Symposium, San Antonio, TX
- 2005 Materials Research Society, San Francisco, Annual Meeting, (2 invited talks)
- 2005 National Meeting of The Amercian Chemical Society, Washington, D. C.
- 2005 Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Users Workshop, Albuquerque, NM
- 2005 Next Generation Neutron Source Workshop, San Diego, CA
2004 >>
- 2004 CLEO/LEOS IEEE Meeting on Biophotonics, San Diego, CA
- 2004 American Chemical Society Mid-West Regional Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
- 2004 Biosecurity and Nanoscience Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- 2004 Dynamic Energy Landscapes in Functional Systems Workshop, Santa Fe, NM
- 2004 Nanoscale Science &Technology Institute, Nanotech 2004, Boston, MA
2003 >>
- 2003 International Conference on Nanotechnology, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Chandigarh, India
- 2003 Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center User's Group Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
- 2003 Physics Seminar, Alabama New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL
- 2003 Department Seminar in Chemistry, James Madison University, VA
- 2003 Department Seminar in Chemical Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM