Study of the conformational structure and cluster formation in a Langmuir-Blodgett film using second harmonic generation, second harmonic microscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy M. S. Johal, A. N. Parikh, Y. Lee, J. L. Casson, L. Foster, B. I. Swanson, D. W. McBranch, D. Q. Li, J. M. Robinson, , Langmuir 15, 1275 (1999) 1996-2000
Nonequilibrium pattern formation in Langmuir-phase assisted assembly of alkylsiloxane monolayers Rong Wang, Atul N. Parikh, Jaime D. Beers, Andrew P. Shreve, and Basil Swanson, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103, 10149 (1999) 1996-2000
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Rigid molecular model for the assembly characteristics and optimal structure in molecular monolayers of alkanethiols on Au (111) Niels Grønbech-Jensen, Atul N. Parikh, Keith M. Beardmore, and Rashmi C. Desai, Langmuir 19, 1474-1485, 2003 2001-2005
Multilayer self-assembly of amphiphilic cyclodextrin hosts on bare and modified gold substrates: Controlling aggregation via surface modification Luis A. Godínez, James Lin, Marc Muñoz, Anthony W. Coleman, Shai Rubin, Atul Parikh, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jr., David Loveday, John P. Ferraris, and Angel E. Kaifer, Langmuir 14, 137-144 (1998) 1996-2000
Alkyl selenide- and alkyl thiolate-functionalized gold nanoparticles: Chain packing and bond nature Chanel K. Yee, Abraham Ulman, Julia D. Ruiz, Atul N. Parikh, Henry White, and Miriam Rafailovich, Langmuir 19, (22), 9450-9458, 2003 2001-2005
Infrared characterization of amorphous and polycrystalline D2O ice on controlled wettability self-assembled alkanethiolate monolayers Isak Engquist, Ingemar Lundstrom, Bo Liedberg, Atul N. Parikh, and David L. Allara, Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 3038 (1997) 1996-2000
Scanning force microscopy study of patterned monolayers of alkanethiols on gold. Importance of tip-sample contact area in interpreting force modulation and friction force microscopy images G. Bar, S. Rubin, A. N. Parikh, B. I. Swanson, T. A. Zawodzinski, M. H. Whangbo, Langmuir 13, 373 (1997) 1996-2000
Nanometer-scale phase separation in mixed composition self-assembled monolayers S. J. Stranick, S. V. Atre, A. N. Parikh, M. C. Wood, D. L. Allara, N. Winograd, P. S. Weiss, Nanotechnology 7, 438 (1996) 1996-2000
Tribology studies of organic thin films by scanning force microscopy G. Bar, S. Rubin, A. Parikh, B. Swanson, T. Zawodzinski, MRS Proceedings: Thin Films Stresses and Mechanical Properties VI 436, 269 (1996) 1996-2000